Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is fat a feminist issue?

Women have been expected for years to change, reflect, and exhaust themselves to be the standard of the day. Women for so long are expected to look as the models on cover magazines. Girls are trained by this system when they get in and the gym teacher tells the kids if they are over a certain weight they are overweight and need to lose weight. The techers also present the "fat guide" (sample pg 207 in TS book). This puts the pressure on because the girls are expected to has be thin.

Susie Orbach, a professor and published several books about women, suggest that the "fat out-break" is a rebellion of the women beacuase of the perfection always weighed upon them. The layers each rebelling on thier own. She says that women rebel for the way society evaluates her every day, every aspect of her own-self. Susie says,"Fat is not about lack of self-control or lack of willpower. Fat is about protection, sex, nuturance, strength, boundaries, mothering, substance, assertion and rage." Do these fall under the catagory of things not just women but anyone can control?

So soceity has always put pressure on women to be a certain way, but men have also been pushed a certain way with society. Susie is simply looking for the easy way out. She has decided to say society is sexest so all women decided to be fat to rebel. For the sake of today women ARE rebelling, BUT they are rebelling with thier own statement and style. It is always about self control and will power.

I think these women choose to workout and be thier own rebellion.

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