Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why Should We Care?

"So what" is a familar question that forms when someone begins to speak. When one starts a lecture, there is aww of "who cares". When one introduces these aspects and different points of veiw into their conversation it makes it appealing to more people. It also identifies the reasons to why you are sasying what it is you are saying.
When my teacher starts to lecture, the first things to pop in my head is, "why should we care". Does it have anything to do with us? It goes back to being egotistical and everthing revolving around you and everyone relating. Sometimes there needs to be a convincing to why you should care.
I have wrote a recent essay called "Fat Nazis in Medical Care". I wanted my essay to appeal to a audience and describe why they should care. I began with hitting the medical field as my target audience and the people that can relate, such as the people that have felt discriminated against because of this matter. Also to say why this may be a problem effeecting people world-wide.

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