Saturday, December 12, 2009

Are the Young Manipulated by Advertisments?

Are the young manipulated by advertisements? It's like asking "if you drop a rock, will it fall?".The young indeed is manipulated by advertisements. From wanting the latest and greatest to just wanting everything you see, the younger are easily persuaded to wanting everything they can get and more. An easy example of this is when my little brothers are watching the Disney channel and a commercial from McDonald's comes on, and the next minute they are jumping up and down saying"I wanna Happy Meal!".
Kids easily say that they want this and they want that.They are easily persuaded in every direction. Most people will look at a bunch of commercials and say so what like they didn't have an effect on what they want or will want in thier future investments. Naomi Rockler-Gladen presents a term in witch she calls geneneration y. This generation y is refered to as todays youth and the children of the baby-boomers.

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