Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Last final blog

My last and final blog!
Some people ask, Do other countries like us? when some ask that this is not a problem that when the problems are gigantic in many issues. America has been growing to the used and able. I believe it comes hand and hand that some countries like us and others do not at all. These countries are not as easy to turn around and except the changing ways as the United States. Some people say that we are losing our last superpower and that is the United States and the dreams.
While some know that there are many problems wioth the current status with the econics of the United States, we know that when Bob Herbert says there is a fire in the basement we recognize it as the rush and scare tactic. With errors in society such as the economic downfall there is many problems such as the rings in society.

The World is Flat

While it was discovered long ago that The world is round, it hasn't stopped the recent talk that the world is flat. One will ask with this, what does that mean, why would one say that the world is flat when wee obviously know that it is not true, we know that the world is in the shape of a sphere. The reason for one to say that the world is flat and not round is the rapid increase of globalization. Many people can now talk to each other weather one is in Egypt and the other in Canada. Many people can talk while they drive. And yes people can even talk to one another with out using their voices by sending a message instantly over their phone.
Many jobs have gone across sea as well. A perfect example of this is when a individual calls their phone company, they are likely calling some place in India. They have India people learn the English lingo and accent to sound as modern as possible. The high side is that by moving their company over sea they have less tax to pay and they do not have to deal with the American Minimum wage, like the United States. While some are unaware of the deals that the company is making because of the globalization with the moving companies. In some ways it may hurt some American because they do not to have the jobs that are overseas that once sat on American soil and employed American people.


Who says America is in bad shape anyway? Authors like Bob Herbert do, but others say that just isnt true. Such as the French President says America is on its pinnacle of power. While some may disagree, an intersting fact is that our American store Walmart has been doing exceptional well. Other areas, such as exports have been doing well too. We are the second leading nation in exporting goods. While some numbes remain very high, others are still sinking. Numbers to worry about include gas, milk, taxes, insurence and debt. Debt in our nation goes up in the trillions day by day. We as a nation have been getting credit card happy and have been spending more then we have.
While he says we are not going down the tubes, he asks everyone not to give up hope as so many of us have done. We need to look the future in the face and bravly say that we can do it. We will do what it takes to keep America strong and know what is nessiacary to do so. Anerica has had troubles thus far, but those troubles are only as stong as one will let them be.

America's tv viewers

While America is known for freedom and equality, we are also getting another label. Some people are referring to us as "lazy Americans". While America is being noticed for being lazy, we are being criticized for what we watch too. We watch shows like the Simpson's and Family guy. What do these kind of shows mean? One will ponder that if have been to interrupted with the critics of error, we should then reconsider what we are doing ourselves.
While these are the opportune effects have spread out, one will say that everyone should chose their words wisely. More or less Americans maybe look dumb for watching such "cartoons" but the truth is that we have really good values to many such shows. When the Simpson's or another cartoon comes on like Family guy, i notice that many will watch, and watch closely. They do not laugh at what the child next to them is laughing at but at a different point when they are not laughing.
These key points have shown us that we do not create such an issue with these topics, we support them. The truth is that the parents can enjoy the cartoon because their are underlined meanings to these cartoons that others would not recognize unless that sat down and watched it passed the characters on the show.

Nation on fire

As many people know America has been having troubles economically. The nations backbone has been getting hit the hardest. Herbert the author of A fire in the Basement, pointed out that many people do not acknowledgethat there is indeed a problem. Herbert at one point recognized that the troubles include American pride. Where people once used to believe in American spirit and recognized the American soldier, fo r everything that he or she did. In today's society, many people do not care about the next individual and forget that having American spirit is critical in the nature of being a citizen of the United States
As once said before,"It's not what America can do for you but what you can do for America"(jkf). This means that we should really care about where we live and about one another.
Where would we be with out the citizens who bravely fought for thier country. I can say one thing for sure, and that is that we would not be where we are today with out such individual fighting for what was right. After thinking about nations society issues it is remembered that we do indeed have a stong pat of being prud, and i hipe to see that again one day.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Simpsons

What kind of cartoon is The Simpson's? This cartoon puts many things in perspective in an undercover way. This family puts the Americans in such a stereotype but it in its under values it brings up real world issues. It has such a value of violence that it brings our real society in play to the cost of what it shows the individuals that really portray what they are viewing. In Douglas Rushkoff article he startsoff wioth saying that this is a camofluged Adult cartoon for kids. I would say that i have to agree with this statement. Any shows that are truly Adult oriented are not cartoons. This brings in a wider audience, meaning that the kids will come to watch because it is a cartoon but the adults will come to watch it because it brings a different spin on things and it has unconcieved, or hidden meanings behind some of the acts that happen.
between the two warned down meanings of what each could mean is that of what it hold in the under valued meanings. With ending his Article he compares this The Simposons cartoon with the Trojan Horse. How they bith come into what is expected and change with out any warning into a complete new thing.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Sherry Turkle is a professor at MIT, an Ivy league school, teaching social sciences. Her article called, "Can You Hear Me Now?" is one that introduces globalization in the "networking" sense. Turkle's argument throughout her article is that so much globalization could lead to a bad thing, or not to much of a good thing. Either way networking may keep everyone in touch with each other BUT it doesn't provide the person to person contact that most so desperately need. We have in general lost a lot of interaction that has made us friendly or personable.
The times have changed in major ways producing different forms of communication. It has enabled people to communicate with a electronic device such as a Mobile and a computer by using a instant messenger, or an email. that takes a bit longer then the other.
Turkle presents the argument that via the cellular phone that kids learned personal responsibility. She says now that the children are learning it later in life and it is thanks to our mobile device. We are losing it because the kids aren't making their decisions themselves but the parents are. Making it harder on the children to develop refined skills.

Are the Young Manipulated by Advertisments?

Are the young manipulated by advertisements? It's like asking "if you drop a rock, will it fall?".The young indeed is manipulated by advertisements. From wanting the latest and greatest to just wanting everything you see, the younger are easily persuaded to wanting everything they can get and more. An easy example of this is when my little brothers are watching the Disney channel and a commercial from McDonald's comes on, and the next minute they are jumping up and down saying"I wanna Happy Meal!".
Kids easily say that they want this and they want that.They are easily persuaded in every direction. Most people will look at a bunch of commercials and say so what like they didn't have an effect on what they want or will want in thier future investments. Naomi Rockler-Gladen presents a term in witch she calls geneneration y. This generation y is refered to as todays youth and the children of the baby-boomers.

Is TV good for you?

Dana Stevens opens up right away with a joke concerning if she believes TV is good for you or not. She wrote "Does watching TV make you smarter? Duh...I dunno." with her here humor she answers the question right off the back. Obviously she does not believe that TV can make you smarter.
This article
This article that she wrights has much to argue against Steven Johnson. She believes that Johnson is wrong when he says that "watching twenty-four can make you smarter." Stevens. She debates throughout the piece weather Johnson could make sense in his.
She backs up here article throughout with intense sarcasm and remedies to Johnson's article. My favorite example of this is where she explains there is seventeen minutes of interrupted commercials in between each episode of twenty-four.
While disagreeing with Johnson that television con be intellectually enriching, Stevens that she does not not like "the wet-blanket Puritanism of the anti-TV crowd". For her to say this i would insist on saying that she doesn't like this view because her job involves watching television and therefore she gets paid to watch it, making it beneficial to her.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Template Fun

In making a case for the medical use of marijuana, i am not saying that we should legalize marijuana for all to use but strictly for people in need, medically.

But my argument will do more than prove that one particular industrial chemical has certian toxic properties. In this article, i will also show how these chemicals will do more harm than good in your body.

My point about the national obsessions with sports reinforces the belief held by many Americans that we should unite team work and hard work.

I believe, therefore, that the war is completely justified. But let me back up and explain how I arrived at this conclusion. I was reading the statistics on how many people have died and became quite depressed. In this way, I came to believe that this war is a big mistake.

Why Should We Care?

"So what" is a familar question that forms when someone begins to speak. When one starts a lecture, there is aww of "who cares". When one introduces these aspects and different points of veiw into their conversation it makes it appealing to more people. It also identifies the reasons to why you are sasying what it is you are saying.
When my teacher starts to lecture, the first things to pop in my head is, "why should we care". Does it have anything to do with us? It goes back to being egotistical and everthing revolving around you and everyone relating. Sometimes there needs to be a convincing to why you should care.
I have wrote a recent essay called "Fat Nazis in Medical Care". I wanted my essay to appeal to a audience and describe why they should care. I began with hitting the medical field as my target audience and the people that can relate, such as the people that have felt discriminated against because of this matter. Also to say why this may be a problem effeecting people world-wide.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where the Children Fall

In the reading of "Your Trusted Firends" by Eric Schlosser, a very infromational article, he found a clear position on marketing to children. As he found that marketing to children is very effective, it can leave an impact on the kids. Schlosser uses sarcasm throughout his article, makingn it believable that he believes that marketing to children is okay.While he does this he says,"Now you can buy the happy meal at the happiest place on Earth." (197)
Schlosser with his sarcasm could be criticed fpr not out roght sayong what he was for or against. though the kids would now say that they know Disnay and Ronald McDonald. So one just one questionafter reading his article where do the kids fall?
I agree with schlosser and disagree. I agree with the use of childre is effective to get more people in the place. though, it isnt effective with helping the kids health and true happiness. these comapanies are changing the American culture.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is fat a feminist issue?

Women have been expected for years to change, reflect, and exhaust themselves to be the standard of the day. Women for so long are expected to look as the models on cover magazines. Girls are trained by this system when they get in and the gym teacher tells the kids if they are over a certain weight they are overweight and need to lose weight. The techers also present the "fat guide" (sample pg 207 in TS book). This puts the pressure on because the girls are expected to has be thin.

Susie Orbach, a professor and published several books about women, suggest that the "fat out-break" is a rebellion of the women beacuase of the perfection always weighed upon them. The layers each rebelling on thier own. She says that women rebel for the way society evaluates her every day, every aspect of her own-self. Susie says,"Fat is not about lack of self-control or lack of willpower. Fat is about protection, sex, nuturance, strength, boundaries, mothering, substance, assertion and rage." Do these fall under the catagory of things not just women but anyone can control?

So soceity has always put pressure on women to be a certain way, but men have also been pushed a certain way with society. Susie is simply looking for the easy way out. She has decided to say society is sexest so all women decided to be fat to rebel. For the sake of today women ARE rebelling, BUT they are rebelling with thier own statement and style. It is always about self control and will power.

I think these women choose to workout and be thier own rebellion.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

blog 3

Yves Engler wrote an article expressing his opposing view on personal responsiblity. He blames the capitalisteconomic system for playing a major role in the rise of obesity. He suggest in his article that capitalism influences eating habits. He uses one example about Ronald Mcdoanld. He gives a statistic that 98 percent of american kids know who Ronald Mcdonald is and that he knows what is best for kids(pg.176). He leads a persausive argument while using statistics and new information.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two summary's of "Don't Blame the Eater" by David Zinczenko

In David Zinczenko's article of "Dont Blame the Eater" he made it clear that he blames the fast food industries for the increase in childrens obesity. At one point he says,"its the lack of information on the lables of what we exactly are ingesting". This statment is false for numerous reasons, one being the fact all of McDonalds sold food has the calorie intake on the wrap(just like at the grocery store). In fact in his article it makes it a point to say fast food is cheaper. Any day of week i would like to show mr. David all the grocery stores such as Wal-mart and Kroger, where you can find affordable yet inexpensive food. Yes, you may even find your grapefruit for under a dollar.
A different view
David Zinczenko wrote an article called "Dont Blame the Eater". He says that fast food resturaunts are a major cause in this development of child obesity. I believe Mr. Zinczenko is right, he gave statistic of dibetes type two raising twenty-five percent since 1965. Though, david goes as far to say that it is a legitament case for teenagers to sue these fast food joints, i am not so sure about. It would not solve any problems for the people to sue these places but to cause more problems. i believe that if we the parents would try and cooka t home a little more and have a sit down dinner, we maybe able to eliminate this potential danger from our kids lives.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blog 1

I read the introduction to "They Say I Say". It began with asking about a hobby or activity that i do well. It went on to say that writing is the same way as any other hobby. Much like the saying "practice makes perfect". It went on to say that the basic moves of English are essential to the structure of the language. Form there on the basic moves were instead called "templates". It also said that if you structure you r words into a different format that the audience wouldn't be left in wonder yet possibly agreeing with you. A social critic by the name of Katha Pollitt, left a quote that i found insulting to Americans and the flag as well. In this quote she said, "the flag stands for jingoism and vengeance and war."Also the book went on to ways of responding with the "they say/I say" format. The template can be used to help open an introduction, explain an inncident, or support a topic. It also goes to say that you can still be creative using template form. The last of the reading was called "Putting in Your Oar". I think this in general this was saying that when in the social world and functioning as an human, that you have to be able to put yourself out there and understand ratical events and talk about them as well. You will have to do so in a manner that may make someonelse think and possibly change thier mind on a given topic.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Test blog

This is my first blog. My next blog will be after my first reading assignment.